Thursday, May 20, 2010

An ambassador of HIS love...

My heart is torn. My boss was fired last week and I didn't realize how much it has impacted me until this week. I work for the Admissions Office at a school that provides the community with free training. I thank God for allowing me to come to this job, I know without a doubt that it was in his plan for me to be here. However, ever since I started working here I have noticed the animosity and constant war that occurs within the departments. I never knew how serious all this was, until my boss got fired. She was given a two week notice, and has been extremely strong by still coming to work these weeks and doing her job regardless.

As I knelt down in prayer tonight, I prayed and cried. Although, many of us many not see our jobs and the people we work with important, as christians every person that comes across our path is important. For me it was my boss. If there is one thing I have always asked GOD is to let me be a small light even in the my job. Many times we can get caught up with life and forget the reason for our existence. Ambition, pride and greed can get in the way sometimes. I am not saying that we shouldn't want to achieve more and become successful but my concern is where is our heart in all this? I am so disappointed in the person that fired my boss because as much as I didn't want to believe that he was this person that had such bad motives even after constantly shouting to the world that he is this christian man that goes to church. I know that I am no one to judge and those are not my intentions. However, based on the time I have been working with this organization I have come to terms that many people have lost sight on the mission of our organization and their life. We are a community based organization that is supposed to be for the people. Our best interest should be those around us that are struggling to make in it life and as christian and leaders even in our jobs we need to make sure we are reflecting the wisdom and love that God has given, as King Solomon did.

For three years I have been working at this office and never had I spoken up at one of our meetings. However, this past Tuesday I felt the urge to express my concerns. I know that everyone looked at me and must have been so shocked. But my heart is torn, because of what we have become and the injustice. Even as a nation we have lost sight of what is important in this world. And I was so heart broken when out of the mouth of the people the are supposed to be the leaders of this organization came out words that reflected no compassion for those struggling. I reminded those in the meeting that at one point we needed someone to lift us up and give us a word of encouragement and that is what we should be doing. I know that we think that sometimes we don't need to make a difference in our workplace, after all it's just a job. That is not true, it's especially at our jobs that we should reflect who GOD is. We are accountable for our decisions and to be a light unto the world.

As I prayed tonight, all I can do is cry and then as the Spirit ministered to my heart I realized what the LORD was trying to show me. I cried because I thought about how I know that I don't have the "title" or "position" to be of influence or so I thought. But in that moment the LORD let me feel that it is that anointing that he pours over us, what really matters! Not to say that we won't become successful in this world, and aim to become whomever GOD want's us to be. As a matter of fact I encourage you to strive for more. May the LORD place his people in strategic places, that will get to the hearts of all. I pray to GOD that HE may strengthen me to finish my education and appoint me where I will be of impact to the world. That is it, I cried before the LORD!! I realized "LORD all I want to do will not be for my glory, it will be to glorify YOUR name." "To become an ambassador of your love." That everywhere I go, be it with my coworker, with my family or my friends that despite my imperfections I may be a true example of your LOVE. After all, this is the reason why we were created, to share the love of our creator. As I continue to grow spiritually, and in all the areas of my life, all I want to make sure is that in the end the NAME OF GOD will be glorified. And YES that is the purpose and should be the motivation for us to strive to become the powerful person that GOD wants us to be. We want to be able to change the lives of others around us because of that LOVE that GOD has given to us.

It's the LOVE of GOD that has us where we are, and I pray that the same LOVE that GOD has shown us we may show unto the world. So whether, you are a bus driver, clerk, administrator, Lawyer, doctor, artist, actor, mother, father, brother, student, or whatever role GOD has given us, or that we have chosen, be sure to always give GOD the glory. That through every success in our life, it may some how reflect the love of GOD. That is my goal, if anything I know it will motivate me to do what GOD want's me to do! So today make the decision to spread the LOVE of GOD and ask yourself "am I being an Ambassador of God's Love?"

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Taking life for granted.

I woke up yesterday with all these mixed feelings about my second 5K race for the year. After being sick for this whole week I was not feeling too prepared for this one. However, I went ahead and for some reason I still managed to be nervous. Whatever could have gone wrong for the race, went wrong. My train was delayed, then there was no train service. Yup, it all seemed to be working against my favor. Not a good start to my run, but I was still determined to get this done. When I arrive, I find myself in a very disorganized race. How disappointing. I went off on my own because everyone seemed to be so scattered,honestly I wasn't surprised because I was told that some races are the same, we learn to pick the right ones.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed my run in central park. I had forgotten my IPOD and had no music, so ran all natural. Despite all these obstacles I managed to enjoy my run because every time I do run I find myself learning so much about how to discipline myself. Yesterday despite getting me buying a nice pair of Saucony sneakers, I still felt strong burning pain in my feet. :( I am now considering some biking and running. I need to mix up my cardio work out to manage to lose some more weight and make it lighter on my feet. So, at the end of my run I experience what now seems to be my the highlight of this weekend.

As I waited for my cousin to meet me, I noticed a bunch of cones on the floor and bunch of people with their running number on their chest. Funny thing was that while I was running I kept noticing signs to for another race that was also being held in central park. Curious to find out what was going on, I stood around watching as the many fellow new yorkers ran. Well, my question was answered All of a sudden I hear it, hundreds of footsteps, thump thump thump, and then I see them. There were hundreds of people running. I noticed the diversity, tall, short, men, women, black, white, and brown. So many people all just determined to make it through this race. I quickly felt my adrenaline rise, and a tinkle in my feet. I wanted to go right next to them running I held back, well for obvious reasons. jejej.

Then I cried. I stood watching every runner pass by me I saw a man that was in a wheel chair. This man despite his "impediment" was managing to accomplish his goal. He is not letting his "condition" stop him from doing what he wants to do. All these thoughts raced through my mind, and then I cried again because the greatest moment of realization hit me. I have complained for so many years about all these things that I want to do in life yet let so much get in the way and detour me. I take life for granted and never really appreciate what I have because I am too busy complaining about what I don't have and wish to have.

In life, many times, we just go on without being thankful for the things that GOD has provided us with. He has formed us so perfectly and created us with such amazing abilities. When we become used to seeing something everyday we tend to forget to thank GOD for it. Our health is one of those "miracles" of life that we fail to thank GOD for everyday. After seeing this man in this wheel chair running I realized, I have my legs, I have my health, and I am accountable before GOD in making sure that I will take care of this body.

As women we become asphyxiated we the meaning of beauty but to me one of the most important factor for us to stay beautiful is keeping up and loving your health. In order for me to reflect confidence about my exterior appearance I need to feel beautiful from the inside. I can't tell you how much I have learned since yesterday about the importance of beauty and health. I continue to thank GOD for my health and have vowed to take care of my body so that I can have the necessary energy to accomplish the many goals in life.

Remember we can't take life for granted, it's a gift so take care of it.