Thursday, May 24, 2012

I refuse to identify myself with sin because I realize that I have been redeemed in Christ. It doesn't negate that we will live in constant battle between right and wrong, but I rely and know that HIS LOVE will find a way for me to do right BEFORE HIM. I pray that I never become a self sufficient individual whom fails to remember how alike I am with everyone else. We are called to teach, walk, talk, love, share JESUS so let us do that.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Here I am...

There is so much excitement within me, webster cannot even provide me with words necessary to express myself. I am finally a college graduate and here I am pondering on the great achievements I have obtained. I will admit, I needed to remind myself to cease the moment. I am already too busy, planning my next step without savoring this one. That is a big no-no. I thank GOD for friends that have celebrated with me, and keep me grounded during these times in my life. As I continue to reflect on what led me to graduate or what pushed me to continue, I try to reminisce on what gave me the strength to move on. There were many times within my 12 years journey, that I wanted to give up. I spent these last 2 years, working super hard to earn good grades, to study hard, and learn as much as possible. The growth in my life within these past years, are indescribable. I am not saying I am all done growing but I know that I can say I have learned so much. I also take a look at my parents and how overjoyed they are, I know that they are super proud of my accomplishments, and I know I can never repay them for their sacrifice, coming to this country to give their family a new opportunity. I can see in their eyes the joy, and I am glad today that I can make them proud. So many of us can take for granted the opportunities that exist for us. I am learning to not take life for granted. I don't know what it is, actually I do, there is this joy in my life, that surpasses any disappointments and pains I may have endured in my past. It is my mission to continue to move forward with the task the God has appointed for me. This entire year, thus far, I have received confirmation after confirmation, reassuring me that God has me at the place I need to be. Just yesterday, I met with a group of dreamers that are fighting for their dreams. I can relate simply because I know the struggle and determination it takes. In speaking to them my heart was filled with compassion and enthusiasm as I embark this journey with them. I know that this is the perfect timing. I have been prepared to be where I am. All I can remember is a dream/vision I had several years ago, where in that dream I led many young kids. Never in my wildest dream did I imagine what it meant, and I limited it to what I knew then. Silly me, God's plans were far greater than mine. These dreams I am fighting for, these kids I am going to help, are only a small chunk of HIS plan for my life. I have learned to surrender, little by little. To have faith in this walk, to know that at the end I am simply here to complete my mission. I am here to be of example to the world, and be accountable for each other. I am finding it surprisingly difficult to put words to my emotions right now. I won't lie, there is an inch of my human flesh that is tempted to fear the good that is here but I surrender those emotions. Let this continue to be a lesson to me and you, our plans are no where near God's plans. I am so enamored with the life that I have been given, and despite not always getting what I want, I know for a fact that HE makes sure I will get what I need. It is simple, we must trust and keep moving. Believe me, trusting will be much more difficult some days, but that doesn't mean we won't make it through the day. Humbled by HIS LOVE,