As runners we set ourselves to run towards our fitness goals, some of which we have yet to see. Yet we continue to run knowing that it is through perseverance that we will see the results. Live a life like a runner, eating healthy, making commitments to running certain distances. Point is we live our life as runners. How can I live my life in love and impact others so that they know I am a runner/lover. Don't get me wrong, not a lover as we may know it, but a love that imparts love through the mere act of living. Like our faith, love has undergone it's own personal turmoils. I want to believe that I have been able to display love in the past? But how true can I be to my own heart. This leads me to my other question. Is love something you believe in only when you see it? Or is love something you start to believe within your heart without even meeting a "person" or a "moment" that will change it all? For a while I have analyzed my own feeling towards love and I guess all these dating shows have helped develop what seems to be a bit of an interest into the depth of love. I was watching something today, yes another dating show "Millionaire Matchmaker" and one thing the host of the show said was "she would give up everything for 'true love'. So I went ahead and asked myself the same question, what would I give up, and do I have to really give up something in response to love? To be honest at this point in my life, I find myself one moment saying, YES I will, I will give it up all to find love but what is "all" that I have to give up? Like running I have had to give up laziness and unhealthy eating habits but what will I have to give up to walk in constant love? Not always I follow through my plan for running and find myself putting excuses in order to walk a life fully satisfied and filled with love. I have faced moments of frustration when things haven't worked out in my running routine and take me off course for a while, and in my "love walk" I have also found moments that seem to take me off course. Things that make me question will I ever really live a life of a runner/lover?
I have to say that deep in my heart I do believe in love, or at least I try. But can I truly believe in it without being a champion of love? How can I face adversity and still claim a life of love? For a long time I have continuously tried to remain optimistic about love, and can say that a good part of me does believe in it. Love is such a strong word. Because of love many have overcome hardships in their lives. Love conquers all things; let us too surrender to love.- Virgil Can we say that we believe this? In my own experience, I have learned that LOVE is so strong that at the end it does allow us to feel a sense of hope even in the most helpless situations in life. How else can we face the world? How else can we live our lives with our heads up high when the world seems to be collapsing all around us? I know that we will all have our good and bad days, we will have days when life will not be a rainbow with unicorns but do what we do with that day will determine how will you approach the next big moment in our life.
There are many things I don't know, and there are other things I have learned. Bottom line is we never fail to learn as long as we keep things in perspective. Love cannot guarantee that things will work out the way we want them but it will give us a reason to keep going. Perhaps my "love" life in all spectrums of it is not at it's best right now but I stick to believing that if I continue to believe in this love that has saved me from an eternity of fire it will keep me from my daily fires. I seek to find not only the agape, eros but all the loves, philia and storge. So aim to never give up on love, whether it is in your friendships, love life, family or just loving yourself remember that at the end of the day we will conquer all as long as we continue to believe in LOVE and it's ability. Like you live your life striving to improve and work towards your fitness goals, life your life striving to live a life of LOVE. Knowing that putting the work will only promise you a guarantee that you it will come to you.
End of the day, while finding my walk in true love, I will continue to believe in true love. Don't live your life so much searching for it, just believe in it, knowing that at its due time it will come to you. You will be a pro-lover/runner. =)
Love concedes in a moment what we can hardly attain by effort after years of toil.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goeth
Love 2011 <3
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