Isn't life funny. We spend half of our time blaming others for our lack of happiness. And we depend on others to make us happy. We can't help but to always find a way to blame others for whatever we need or don't have. For some reason this generation in our selfishness have been able to manage to not take accountability of the things we do or say. It is because of such behavior that this generation spends so much time searching for happiness. We indulge in food, we seek out for more money, we engage in new activities and hobbies, we run away from life because we think that what we need will require no sacrifice. It isn't a bad thing to do these things, it isn't bad to find new things in life but whether or not we are using this to excuse ourselves from life and depend on other things or other people rather than ourselves to be happy can be dangerous.
What is most scary of all this is that we have no idea many times what truly makes us happy. We are controlled by our thoughts of the present, past and future. Because of ourselves we are found in a struggle of completion. A struggle to finding out what truly makes us happy. Depression is at it's highest and although many factors contribute to depression at the end of the day we have to be willing to come out of that depression to enjoy life. It is so important to be able to take time to love ourselves, take time to get in tune with our faith, and do what we can to not only be happy but become accountable for what we do.
This selfishness is what drives us to hurt each other. IT is this behavior that has so many people not being accountable for the things they do or we do. How can we heal this generation? Will we continue to hurt each other and become afraid everyday more and more to trust and love? Have we become our own worst enemies?
It is these things that have created such a cruel world sometimes. Instead of us saying "wow bad people do exist" sometimes.. we are more shocked when we stumble across a good person. At the end of the day the choice will always be ours. Our goal is to make sure we are not hypnotized by this cruel generation we live in. Don't allow ourselves to fall into the trap of "selfishness" and continue to shine some love on this world. It is up to us. It is our world, we are our own worst enemies.
-- yours truly
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Importance of time.

"There's a very positive relationship
between people's ability to
accomplish any task and the time
they're willing to spend on it."
- Joyce Brother
In the morning I am running around trying to get myself ready for work. I keep glancing at the time, trying to see how much more can I squeeze into those last minutes I have left in my apartment before I have to run to catch the bus. Each minute that goes by only means I have to make sure I use it wisely so I tell myself Gaby, you will have to make sure today you are not that long on your makeup because you have to prepare your breakfast. Then I glance at the time and see oh I have 4 minutes left, perhaps I can pick up my messy room a little bit. Then the watch hits 8:18 and run out the house, counting my minutes because the bus gets here at 8:38. At that point even how I walk will matter, will I gallop my way to work or will I have to speed walk? Will the bus be early or will it be late today?
What is my point you ask? As you saw my morning was constrained by time. Every minute I had was accounted for. If I decided to not do something or change my plan it would change my course of the day. The world we live in is surrounded by time frames which are determined by society or the particular goal that you or I may have set for ourselves. Some of these time frames are positive and some may not be. When it get's to the goals in our life there are certain things that will require more time. How do we value the time we have in this world? What are the things that take up the most time in our life? I have decided recently to really take the time to get to know who I am. Take time to work on my personal goals and dedicate time to those goals in order to accomplish them. The quote above was on my google homepage this evening when I went in to open it. It got me thinking about the amount of time that we dwell on the NOT so positive things.
Joyce Meyers in her message this past week was talking about the time we spend as woman on our personal appearance and how if we were to spend as much or some more time on the important things like bettering our internal self perhaps we would discover some great things about who we are. As I live this life I learn that every moment we have or share with others is important. When I look back to life how can I accountable for the time I have spent on this world? Did I make the time to love myself and value the person that God has made in me? Sometimes we live our life trying to substitute an emptiness we feel by consuming our time with unimportant events or habits. My life and time is worth more than just wasting it. We are called to first become ministers of our own life before we can become ministers to others of their life. Every second matters in our life, even those that sometimes we fail to see.
I know sometimes we are chasing time, we want to race towards certain moments in our life or even back to certain things in our past. We think that life needs to be programmed to where we want it to be at the moment but if there is something we learn is that patience is the key. When awaiting certain moments in life we need to learn to be patient and let go. Live each day for what it is. Appreciate your today as much as you sometimes value your yesterday and worry about your tomorrow. Count the blessings of today and allow for time to show you the importance of living in the present. If you have any goals set for yourself today remember to make the time for them, your relationships require time, your education, your well being, top of it all your spiritual life requires time. May we learn to prioritize our time and know how to manage it wisely because at the end time is of essence in our lives.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Everything is made new.

2 Corinthians 5:17 (New King James Version)
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
Another year lies ahead for me and I am ready to embrace it. I have had my highs and lows, my losses and gains... a little bit of everything and all I can say is that if it wasn't for all of those I wouldn't be where I need to be today. Clearly, in life we will face good and bad days but it is what we make with those days that will teach us something. There are many things for me to be thankful today, the list will be super long but I will keep it simple. Here are just some:
7.My faith
8.My apartment
9.My Job
10.The strength giving to me to achieve my goals.
11.For today
I am super proud of where God has allowed me to be today, and know that I will continue to strive for the many goals I have ahead of me. I just have to keep my head up high and my strength relying on HIM. My focus on my goals should never cease and if it did happen remember that I can get back on track. Gaby, you are a blessed child from GOD and there are so many more promises that we need to see unfold so keep going forward. I shall see it all come to reality in my life. I just have to keep believing and trusting.
I look forward to the things that lie ahead for me, and will enjoy today for what it is.
*** This picture on my blog just shows where I would love to be now but can at least enjoy a picture of it. jeje.. Maine =)
Just saying. =)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
What makes you feel special?

This one will be short and sweet as I still continue to figure some of this stuff out. What is feeling special? What does it take for me to feel special? Will it take a trip, a nice outfit, a diamond, a good job, a kiss, a man, ... what is it that makes us feel valuable? I haven't been in a relationship in a well real long time that it is safe to say that I have never been on in one. Somehow I don't really know what feeling special in a relationship is but as I get older and learn so much more about how confident and strong I have become things have changed for me. I am not saying that people shouldn't contribute or that certain moments won't make us feel special but what exactly makes us feel special? I have to really analyze my own life and figure out what things make me feel special. What is the core of who Gaby is? What makes me feel strong, valuable and worthy of the best? So many times I feel like we depend on other people to make us feel special, not that they shouldn't but what if the person let's us down, what then? Will we lose value of who we are? Will we be depressed? So many questions I know, but I am trying to figure out where do we draw the balance. So far, I have learned that I feel good, when other people love me, when they make time for me but letting that identify or define my quality or value seems rather unrealistic to me. Don't worry I am not saying that I am 100% correct, I can be very much wrong and have much more to learn about all of this.. meanwhile I find it all mind boggling.
I will open my heart and emotions to a man one day but meanwhile as a single person what makes me feel special? Will I not be completely special or happy until a man comes into my life? I say NO, if I cannot be happy now, there is no way on earth a man can be held responsible for my happiness or value. While every woman likes a gift, loves some chocolate and flowers... is that all that makes me happy and feel special?
Right now, I am learning to value myself for the woman I have become. While many of us women struggle with insecurity because of the meaningless limits placed by the world, media and society we need to acknowledge the incredible amount of strength that we have developed over the years. One thing that I always say quoted by Joyce Meyers is " I am not where I need to be, but I am not where i used to be".... remember YOU have come a long way... things have come your way that have tried to deviate you from the purpose in life but you have made it. Never stop dreaming, while finding a man, planning a future, may seem like sometimes the most important thing in our life.. while finding love we shouldn't forget about ourselves. Nothing will make You and I a better team player than a strong confident woman that has overcome adversity and learned her value.
Just saying. =)
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