This one will be short and sweet as I still continue to figure some of this stuff out. What is feeling special? What does it take for me to feel special? Will it take a trip, a nice outfit, a diamond, a good job, a kiss, a man, ... what is it that makes us feel valuable? I haven't been in a relationship in a well real long time that it is safe to say that I have never been on in one. Somehow I don't really know what feeling special in a relationship is but as I get older and learn so much more about how confident and strong I have become things have changed for me. I am not saying that people shouldn't contribute or that certain moments won't make us feel special but what exactly makes us feel special? I have to really analyze my own life and figure out what things make me feel special. What is the core of who Gaby is? What makes me feel strong, valuable and worthy of the best? So many times I feel like we depend on other people to make us feel special, not that they shouldn't but what if the person let's us down, what then? Will we lose value of who we are? Will we be depressed? So many questions I know, but I am trying to figure out where do we draw the balance. So far, I have learned that I feel good, when other people love me, when they make time for me but letting that identify or define my quality or value seems rather unrealistic to me. Don't worry I am not saying that I am 100% correct, I can be very much wrong and have much more to learn about all of this.. meanwhile I find it all mind boggling.
I will open my heart and emotions to a man one day but meanwhile as a single person what makes me feel special? Will I not be completely special or happy until a man comes into my life? I say NO, if I cannot be happy now, there is no way on earth a man can be held responsible for my happiness or value. While every woman likes a gift, loves some chocolate and flowers... is that all that makes me happy and feel special?
Right now, I am learning to value myself for the woman I have become. While many of us women struggle with insecurity because of the meaningless limits placed by the world, media and society we need to acknowledge the incredible amount of strength that we have developed over the years. One thing that I always say quoted by Joyce Meyers is " I am not where I need to be, but I am not where i used to be".... remember YOU have come a long way... things have come your way that have tried to deviate you from the purpose in life but you have made it. Never stop dreaming, while finding a man, planning a future, may seem like sometimes the most important thing in our life.. while finding love we shouldn't forget about ourselves. Nothing will make You and I a better team player than a strong confident woman that has overcome adversity and learned her value.
Just saying. =)
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