Previously I wrote about how we were our own worst enemy. And I believe that this topic pretty much follows the same train of thought in some way. Recently, I was experiencing some real low moments in my life, not because of any reason in particular I guess just an accumulation of different things. None of these situations called for such attention but still I couldn't help but to feel sad about some things in life. We all know perfectly well that life never goes as we plan it to go. What the heck, even when I don't plan for it.. my not so sketched out plan still seems to suck sometimes, now that is bad. lol Our life may sometimes have a load of problems what we have to deal with, and disappointments but in addition to those we are surrounded by blessings that sometimes we ourselves are not even aware of. One thing about our faith that sometimes troubles is really putting things into a greater and more positive perspective, even when it is really not such a pretty site. I think many times I am considered a giddy very cheerful almost a little too positive in the eyes of some. And I won't argue I do seem a little more positive than other people but I guess it is in my nature to help people see the light that is found at the end of the tunnel. Now that doesn't mean that I have faced my moments of despair, because surely I have. Some frightful almost helpless moments where I question many things in my life. I even sometimes find myself being super hard on myself because things that are beyond my control I seem to want to become accountable for. It is this superwoman syndrome, I have somehow acquired, not by choice that is.
Now, I find that my faith in those moments of despair is what keeps me floating. Notice how I said floating. Sometimes the trials in our lives throw us deep into the water like a storm in the sea and swimming is not even a choice anymore. Imagine this for a second with me, just imagine yourself in the sea on a ship things were nice.. the wind was blowing at it's normalcy and then all of a sudden that weather takes a shift for the worst, like in life. All of a sudden, you find yourself like Jesus disciples in the sea and this storm seems to want to kill you, throw you off track, off the boat. Guess what, maybe just maybe, you will be thrown into the water because of this sudden storm... maybe even lose some air and drink some water in the middle of all of this but guess what you are still floating. I see my faith as my floaters, even in the worse situations of life. These little, simple balloons on your arm , the things they can do. That is your faith. I don't know what your fear may be but find what will keep you floating in those stormy moments.
That takes me to my faith and what keeps it going. I was hearing a friend preach on this character in the bible called Mephibosheth (2nd of Samuel 4:4) I was sooo-oo intrigued by this character, let me tell you why. Mephi (my nick name for him) was only 5 when his father Jonathan and grandfather Saul passed away) Mephi's nanny, the moment she heard the news rushed out and took Mephi far where he would be protected. In the process of leaving the nanny drops him and now Mephi is crippled. Time passes and Mephi continues with his life, even has children of his own but one day is requested by the king. Mephi was terrified when King David requested for him to visit him at his palace. This is it.. was probably what Mephi said to himself. David is going to kill me for sure. Poor Mephi little did he know if the promise that David had made Jonathan (his father). --- David spared Jonathan's son Mephibosheth,* who was Saul's grandson, because of the oath David and Jonathan had sworn before the LORD.2 - 2 Samuel 21:7--- Mephi had no idea, according to him his life was over. So what is my point you are asking? We live our lives crippled many times because of the mistakes of our parents or even grandparents. NOT to say that I encourage for people to live chained to their past but I do acknowledge that our past can have an affect on who we are today. Like Mephi, we are all promised a redemption plan. We do not have to subject ourselves to being crippled for he rest of our lives. Crippled by our past, even crippled by our present. Mephi didn't realize that his father had made an oath with King David, and because of this oath he would be redeemed from his families chaos. Our chaos can very well be our world, this world we live in. Our environment, our friends, our family even ourselves. However, we have to trust the promises that have been given to us.
Like many of us Mephi's life was good in the beginning, he came from a life of royalty, he probably had all the money he needed as a kid, toys, he had it all, he was a son of a prince. Things changed for him though. Life took an unexpected turn. Such that he had no control over, this was out of his hands. And then to top it off he is crippled because his nanny dropped him. Man oh man.. did things change for Mephi. It is sooo much easier in a situation to say "It's not fair" and I know that we are tempted to do so many times. Like Mephi we say, but why me? things were so much better.. life would have been great. However, we cannot dwell on what we don't see, but see what is in front of us, what is that we are missing out on. Mephi's curse was turned into a blessing. His families disgrace wasn't his disgrace, he was blessed at the end of it all.
Remember there was a promise that HIS now KING David had made with his father, it still stood. The promises of GOD stands in our lives also. Mephi didn't know this. As we sometimes don't know. In order to keep on in life it is important to have faith and believe. Believe in the person that GOD has created you and the purpose you have been appointed for. We get so lost in our lives because we cannot find our purpose. We cannot see the hope that lies ahead for us. It is time to change that. Mephi's situation and past didn't change. He was still crippled, and his past didn't change but his future would. What a promise can do! This story not only proves the importance of the integrity of King David but how the integrity can save the life of another. Everyday you will be blessed to be surrounded with people that you will impact in a negative or positive way. May our integrity and character never be stained. May we come to see the importance of our faith, and carrying our faith everywhere we go. Living a life of integrity, passion and commitment. Taking a stand for the things that are right, and doing what should be done. This all starts with us, and ends with us.
As we continue to journey in this path called life, may we remember that his promises will keep our faith standing. We have to believe and never loose trust. At the end of the day we chose whether or not we will live our lives to the fullest or give up on life. We will chose to LIVE and live STRONG. Turn your curse into a blessing today.